
Happy new year - unusual 2020 wishes

More than a week into the new year, I started realizing that we may not have made the best possible wishes for 2020. Why? Not because we have not wished each other great things, but because they were just not really thought through. What we really need are not simply those “happiness, luck, success”.

So I’d like to mention a rather neglected but very important thing that we need - decisiveness. Truth is that no one wakes up on January 1st happier, smarker, prettier, wiser or with a better life. So no matter how well we have planned our new year resolutions, written them in our planners or told about them to all of our friends - they don’t really mean a thing unless we get down to work and make them come true.

Soemhing great is the fact that we can literally any minute do something small that would accumulate to further success and getting closer to making those plans and dreams come true. :) Sometimes an email, a simple conversation or a phone call could be the first step and could both help us and motivate us so that we believe more in our success. . :)


It’s important to be decisive because no moment is ever perfect, the muse doesn’t come when we need it to and it’s all about getting to work in the very moment of NOW!

And since it’s very trendy to say how next year we’ll all be different, we’ll do things differently or we’ll start anew - I did the exact oposite and spend the first few days of the new year finishing tasks and projects I have started in the previous one. Because proving we are serious about getting things done is more important ad better than jus hittign the button of a rather fake Restart. And this was a great decision because this way I proved that I am decisive and really finish all I set my heart to. :)

And speaking of unusual, form all the wishes for the new year that I recently got, the most meaningful ones were actually the unusual because they were all about cherishing the small things in life, to keep on being artsy, to stay focused and ambitious ad to believe in myself and my dreams.

So I also have some unusual wishes for you for the beginning of the new year. Of course I also want to wish you health, happines, luck etc. but that sounds kind of generic while I would like to make it more personalized:

be decisive

don't postpone today's work on tomorrow

dont postpone making your dreams come true, don’t wait for tomorrow, or summer or any other time but now

dont forget where you wanna go and you have a 100% bigger chance to actually do so

start a new book - today

smile more

enjoy the sunset (and if you manage to get up early enough - the sunrise as well)

show the people around you how much they mean to you

finish what you’ve started

challenge yourself to try what you are afraid to to

believe that nothing is impossible


Thank you for visiting my blog in 2020 and I really hope you enjoyed reading about my weird approach to wishes! One of the things I have promised myself to do more often is write on the blog so see you around soon!

- Nicole

Happy 1st birthday to AROCKCHICKLIFE.COM <3

On 20th of July was my blog's 1st birthday and I wanted to celebrate well. :) I reviewed all my blog posts, social media posts, reavaluated everything and made some plans for the future of my little space of Internet.

I also wanted to share my celebration with everyone around so I bought chocolates for my family, friends and colleagues, I dedicated a whole weekend to blog themed partying, I had a shopping spree (which I'll write a new blog post about very soon haha) and also wrote this article for you.

I'd love to mark my 1st year of blogging by sharing some facts about me and my life with you. And because the theme is 1 I will be sharing my 1 favorite thing in different categories.


1 favorite quote of mine: "Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?" - Mary Oliver. It's all up to us to do great things and to make our dreams come true. We should just be more focused and more brave. <3

1 favorite fashion decade of mine: the 50s. Have you seen Grease? Because if you have, you don't need no explaination :D Good Sandy, bad Sandy - both rocking amazing outifts. Everyone is stylish, everyone is following trends and you can mix chic with rock'n'roll which I love. 

1 favorite color of mine: Pink. I loved it as a kid, then I stopped, then started again in high school, then forgot about it again until millenial pink happened :D and now I'm in love with it again.

1 favorite fruit of mine: Apple. I think that's my all time favorite fruit since like forever, especially green apples.

1 favorite music album of mine: Definitely Maybe by Oasis. I love music, I listen to music all the time and I have looots of fave songs and albums. But this was the first time I learned a whole album by heart in like a day and the first time I was really influenced by an album creatively and it really is a big thing for me.

1 favorite song of mine: Heros by David Bowie. This tune is just amazing. You can play it on repeat for hours, for years and it won't get old. It's pure perfection.

1 favorite clothing item of mine: Dress. It's easy to style and could look both formal and super casual. I think this is the clothing item that gives you widest range of options for styling it and if you find the perfect black dress I swear coming up with outfits get's five times easier

1 favorite accessory of mine: A clutch. I'm not going anywhere without a pocket journal and lipstick so I value bags a lot. But let's be honest - the cutest bags of all are clutches, especially when in bright colors or cool prints.

1 favorite makeup product of mine: Lipstick. The most esential makeup product for me is lipstick. It gives you a great choice of colors and outlines the best feature of a person - their smile.

1 favorite fashion designer of mine: Ellie Saab. I have lot's of favorite designers and it was very hard for me to choose only one but her beautiful and almost magical collections are amongst the greatest things I've ever seen. Wearing a piece of art must be an incredible experience.

Tha's it for now guys! :) Hope you enjoyed this blog post, thank you for reading and supporting me throughout tis 1st year of blogging. See you ahead on this amazing journey and keep on chasing your dreams!


- Nicole


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Hello guys! So I recently celebrated my 23th birthday and I took some time to reflect on the past years. I happen to be a little bit of a thinker so I thought a lot about how I have changed throughout the years and how far I've come in terms of following my dreams and being happy to just be me.

And here are the 23 things I have learned in my life so far. Hope it will be interesting for you to read these and that they will inspire you or teach you something. Enjoy!


#1 Smile. Always smile. It makes everything better.

#2 This quote by Dr. Seuss — 'Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.' is just so true.

#3 Whenever you're sad or confused just look at this. This is happiness: http://imgur.com/gallery/I1TBl29

#4 'It is not happy people who are thankful. It is thankful people who are happy.' !

#5 Kindness is the best gift you can give to anyone. Spread it freely.

#6 Life is too short to not do what you want or not chase your dreams. Any minute you waste is a wasted chance to be happier.

#7 The best moments in your live will probably not be in photos because you'll be too busy having fun.

#8 If you're lucky enough to find a true friend, cherish that person/those people and never let them go, they're your treasure.

#9 The sooner you stop caring about pleasing people, the better.

#10 A good laugh and a hug can heal anything and instantly make you feel better.

#11 You are never too old for cartoons, jumping around when you're happy and openly talking about even the smallest things that excite you and you genuinely care about.

#12 You don't need to be perfect to be happy, look at all the people you love with all your heart and how their imprefections don't matter to you.

#13 It's totally fine if your brain is '99% quotes and lyrics'. You're probably a great and fun person to talk to.

#14 Things are not always what you expect them to be. So this is a list of only 14 things, not 23 although I said so. Life often surprises you and you should always expect the unexpected. Hopefully it'll be a good surprise.

So thank you for reading. :) I hope you found something you liked and will remember. Now I wanna hear your favorite quotes and inspiring statements in the comments below! :)


- Nicole