
25 things I learned by 25

I turned 25 last month and came up with the idea to write an article about some things I have learned about life so far.

1. People will always judge, just ignore them. When you are happy they will be like “why the hell are you so happy?” and when you are sad they will be like “but why are you so sad?” so just ignore it and live your life, it’s about you, not them. :)


words of wisdom

one of my favorite quotes ever actually

2. Life is too short to waste even a second of it by not living it to the fullest or not being present. Day dreaming might feel nice and sweet, but that’s not why you’re here. You’re here to be and feel and act it all out and make your dreams come true.

3. The more you manage to devour when it comes to artthe better. Take the time to watch movies, read book, see paintings, even learn some history of art. You cannot imagine how it will change your perspective on things.

4. Any time something is not going good or you don’t feel yourself – play a happy song, that’s the secret.

5. Do not wait to make someone happy or make them smile and do not stop yourself EVER from telling or showing people how much they mean to you. I have burned myself from it and it’s plain stupid. If you have done it, go make it up now – call, text, whatever - but don’t let it stay a regret.

6. Social media is what you make it in your life. Yes, it’s trendy and it is quite addictive but it should not be something you obsess about. For me it is a chance to connect and share like I just couldn’t do it any other way because I just cannot manage to say all the things I want to all the people I want to. But it should stay fun and you shouldn’t ever let it turn to something not fun or into a way of maintaining some fake image for others to see. It’s your post-it wall where you speak your truth, use it this way – share what matters to you, encourage and inspire others to do the same.

7. Your efforts will always be payed off so always do your best and put your whole heart into everything you do. People see it and appreciate it, no matter if you see it immediately or not, it is so.

8. Be as supportive, understanding and non-judgmental as you can possibly be. Make it a priority in your life to be and you will see how more open-minded and kinder you become and how much more connected to everyone around you are.

9. "Your homework is to listen to some real music. Get inspired." (+ if you don’t know where this quote is from - go back to 3.) Nothing is too retro, too oldschool, too classic. Hear all genres, hear all the legendary musicians and composers. It’s no wonder they’re the best, hear some real good and epic songs. Have you read that listening to Mozart makes you work times better and makes your plants feel way better? Cause it does.

10. Learn form the best. As we speak of quotes – read quotes and watch interviews and hear what people with more experience and very different lives from yours have to say. You will be surprised what people go through to make their lifes better and their dreams come true.

11. Appreciate nature, the sunrise, the sunset, the waves, the flowers and the animals. Every chance you have – go out and meet the world.

12. It is never too late to change careers or your whole lifestyle. I have seen so many people who are not happy with their lives but yet feel and think it would be too much of pressure or effort or almost impossible to change. And I am always the one to demand they should try and don’t just go with the flow. Everything looks scary and hard unless you try and start. But if it would make you happier, it’s all worth it.

13. Take photos. Not because it’s a trend or because we all have smartphone with super giga hyper good cameras. Not for social media. For you. Take time to appreciate some really beautiful moments and re-watch later. Five years from now it will be lots of fun to see the funny look your dog gave you or the ruined pancakes you made with your friends. Believe me, it will be a great thing to look back to and a reminiscence of a nice memory.

14. You will sometimes feel bored and tired, don’t worry about it. Take some rest, take a break, take a nap, have a bath, go for a walk. We sometimes need to recharge. We as humans were not made and meant for such a busy life. Have your thought about how the same mind and body that people had in the Reinessanse is what we also have now– and we make them face our ambitious crazy schedules and the 24/7 information flow, no wonder they sometimes feel exhausted and stressed out.

15. It’s okay. And it will be okay. Eventually. I like this photo of the universe because it really says it all.

16. Sometimes buying that thing you want so much is actually a good thing. It’s not materialism, it is self apprecion and making a dream come true. It you are saving up for that amazing camera, or sneakers that will make you feel like Jordan, or starting a new business or dancing lessons etc. maybe it’s just you making an effort to give yourself a new beginning or a chance to be better and happier. And it’s not a bad thing.

17. Enjoy and appreciate people who enjoy themselves, be kind to them, you can support and get inspired form each other.

18. Reading is a truly magic thing and honestly it took me quite a while to really appreciate it and find my favorite genres but oh, dear, it is magic. Just saying. There is no book that is not worth your time and will not broaden your horizons, really. One of my favorite books is from 900 AD and another is a students book - who cares, they’re magic!

19. There is nothing better that to stay a bit childish so I totally understand you if you sometimes watch the cartoon while babysitting your little cousin :D or if you just decide to watch Tom and Jerry one day or if you like those adult coloring books or if you are really into comics or cospay and I know that’s not even a child thing but some people call it so. I got you! Anyway look 1.

20. Pretending to be or think anything just to make people happy is stupid and useless and it will not take anyone far so don’t even consider this. I’ve seen people struggle with this and I have sometimes even wondered for a minute “wait, should I do it?”' - NO!, “will it make anything easier?” NO! and then I immediately regretted this thought and had the “are you crazy?” self talk with myself. Being you is your biggest power! That’s what I like about you the most, this is wat you should like about you the most.

21. Moms are important. Call your mom, text your mom, give her flowers. Moms are important.

22. Don’t ever let anything scary or hard make you feel inferior and always choose the right way for you even if it is the hard way. Years later you will thank yourself.

23. If you there is something you don’t like about your life or yourself, it is more than easy to deal with this and make a change. Don’t let it bother you or stop you from doing or achieving whatever you want to. Nowadays we have all kinds of resources to learn more, acquire new skills, travel to whenever, take up lessons etc. Start it now! Nothing is impossible, just think about what your life was like two years ago and you will realize that all kinds of changes happen and things we could never imagine have already happened to us. Remind yourself of this each time a dream of yours seems too big to come true.

24. I wrote such a post for my 23rd birthday and I remember how insightful I felt back then :D Now when I re-read it, I come up with so many things I would add so I decided to write this new post. It’s because we constantly grow and change. Especially if you are like me and the drive to do so is a great part of your life. When you are constantly changing, it might feel weird when you look back and see the discrepancies but remember it is actually an amazing thing that you’re getting better, wiser and happier.

25. Don’t skip bday parties, tgif parties or any other opportunity to have fun. Dress up for Halloween and wear a Christmas hat on Christmas, make and eat cake on your bday etc. - we don’t have that many celebrations in our lifetime to let ourselves skip on any! Its all about making the best of everything. For example writing a bday post and sharing it weeks later. :D


Thank you for reading!

Hope you ound something interesting and useful in this article

And thank you for spending another year following my blog and my story. Believe me, more is to come and it will be getting better and more interesting. See ya! ♡

- Nicole

Колекция HM TV Moschino <3

Най-накрая тук и е още по-стахотна отколкото очаквахме! <3 Новата колекция на HM, разработена в колаборация с Moschino, е цветна, дръзка, щура, секси, рок (да, аз винаги намирам рок влиянието и асоциациите :D).

Колекцията беше официално обявена на популярния музикален фестивал Coachella, така че още от пролетта всички веднага луднахме, чакайки да я видим с нетърпение - е поне аз със сигурност. :D След прекрасните аутфити от подобния проект на HM с Balmain, сега бях много любопитна и не знаех какво да очаквам, защото знам, че HM винаги искат да надскочат себе си и да бъдат още по-оригинални.

Самото представяне на колекцията се проведе с бляскаво модно ревю в Ню Йорк и всички модели са в продажба от 8-ми ноември, можете да ги разгледате на официалния сайт на HM България :) Моделите представят микс от екстравагантна градска мода, еклектични смели бляскави материи, много кожа и трендове от 90-те. А това са общо взето моите любими неща <3

fashion blogger blog style outfit outfits blonde blog blogger мода моден блог блогър hm tv moschino new designer collection
flatlay blonde girl fashion ootd style outfit hm moschino fashinoista blogger fashionblogger fashionblog мода моден блогър

Честно казано, HM TV Moschino абсолютно успя да оправдае високите ми очаквания! Не само, че повечето артикули се разпродадоха още в първите часове – и онлайн, и офлайн, а и аз като по чудо толкова много да харесам почти всичко от една колекция, което не ми се случва често и бях супер впечатлена (последно ми се случи с колекцията на Dolce&Gabana от 2017 между другото)!

Наснимах някои интересни модели в магазина, но съвсем не успях хвана всичко, просто няма как, а и доста от нещата явно са се раззели направо като топъл хляб, а аз отидох в магазина привечер след работа. Но да, бях следила онлайн ъпдейтите цял ден хаха :D ;)

hm tv moschino new designer collection fashion style  fashionblog fashionblogger мода блогър shop shopping
hm tv moschino new designer collection fashion style  fashionblog fashionblogger мода блогър shop shopping
hm tv moschino new designer collection fashion style  fashionblog fashionblogger мода блогър
hm tv moschino new designer collection fashion style sequins fashionblog fashionblogger мода блогър
hm tv moschino new designer collection fashion style  fashionblog fashionblogger мода блогър

Надявам се статията да ви е харесала и нямам търпение да чуя и вашето мнение за новата колекция в коментарите! :)

- Никол

Brand new HM x TV Moschino collection 2019

It’s finally here and it's better than we expected it to be! <3 The new HM collection, created in collaboration Moschino is colorful, bold, wild, sexy, rocknroll  (yes :D I know I always the one finding rocknroll inspo & aesthetics in everything :D).

The new collection was announced as a project this spring during the Coachella music festival and we've been waiting for it impatiently ever since - well at least I surely have been :D After having seen the amazing Hm and Balmain collab I was very curious and didn't really know what to expect since HM are always trying to be better and more original and to surprise their customers even more with each new project.

We finally show the collection in a special runway show taking place in New York on 8th of November and all the items became available for online and offlin epurchase the same day - you can check out the official HM Bulgarian website :) All the clothes are a mixture of urban extravaganza vibe, eclectic and bold sequines and  textures, lots of faux learher and 90s trends. Well basically almost all I love is here <3

fashion blogger blog style outfit outfits blonde blog blogger мода моден блог блогър hm tv moschino new designer collection
flatlay blonde girl fashion ootd style outfit hm moschino fashinoista blogger fashionblogger fashionblog мода моден блогър

To be honest, the HM TV Moschino did more than fulfill my expectations! Not only did almost everything sell out in the forst few hours - both online and offline in stores - but I personally happened to like very much almost all the items which rarely happens and makes me feel really impressed (last time this happened was when I fell in love with the 2017 Dolce and Gabanna collection btw)!

I took some photos in store but there was no chance I manage to show you every piece because things were selling out like crazy and I visited the store after work. But I had beeen following all the online updates and was pretty wrll informed I shall say. :D

hm tv moschino new designer collection fashion style  fashionblog fashionblogger мода блогър shop shopping
hm tv moschino new designer collection fashion style  fashionblog fashionblogger мода блогър shop shopping
hm tv moschino new designer collection fashion style  fashionblog fashionblogger мода блогър
hm tv moschino new designer collection fashion style sequins fashionblog fashionblogger мода блогър
hm tv moschino new designer collection fashion style  fashionblog fashionblogger мода блогър

I hope you enjoyed this blog post and I can't wait to hear your opinion about the HM TV Moschino vollection in the comments below! :)

- Nicole

Happy 1st birthday to AROCKCHICKLIFE.COM <3

On 20th of July was my blog's 1st birthday and I wanted to celebrate well. :) I reviewed all my blog posts, social media posts, reavaluated everything and made some plans for the future of my little space of Internet.

I also wanted to share my celebration with everyone around so I bought chocolates for my family, friends and colleagues, I dedicated a whole weekend to blog themed partying, I had a shopping spree (which I'll write a new blog post about very soon haha) and also wrote this article for you.

I'd love to mark my 1st year of blogging by sharing some facts about me and my life with you. And because the theme is 1 I will be sharing my 1 favorite thing in different categories.


1 favorite quote of mine: "Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?" - Mary Oliver. It's all up to us to do great things and to make our dreams come true. We should just be more focused and more brave. <3

1 favorite fashion decade of mine: the 50s. Have you seen Grease? Because if you have, you don't need no explaination :D Good Sandy, bad Sandy - both rocking amazing outifts. Everyone is stylish, everyone is following trends and you can mix chic with rock'n'roll which I love. 

1 favorite color of mine: Pink. I loved it as a kid, then I stopped, then started again in high school, then forgot about it again until millenial pink happened :D and now I'm in love with it again.

1 favorite fruit of mine: Apple. I think that's my all time favorite fruit since like forever, especially green apples.

1 favorite music album of mine: Definitely Maybe by Oasis. I love music, I listen to music all the time and I have looots of fave songs and albums. But this was the first time I learned a whole album by heart in like a day and the first time I was really influenced by an album creatively and it really is a big thing for me.

1 favorite song of mine: Heros by David Bowie. This tune is just amazing. You can play it on repeat for hours, for years and it won't get old. It's pure perfection.

1 favorite clothing item of mine: Dress. It's easy to style and could look both formal and super casual. I think this is the clothing item that gives you widest range of options for styling it and if you find the perfect black dress I swear coming up with outfits get's five times easier

1 favorite accessory of mine: A clutch. I'm not going anywhere without a pocket journal and lipstick so I value bags a lot. But let's be honest - the cutest bags of all are clutches, especially when in bright colors or cool prints.

1 favorite makeup product of mine: Lipstick. The most esential makeup product for me is lipstick. It gives you a great choice of colors and outlines the best feature of a person - their smile.

1 favorite fashion designer of mine: Ellie Saab. I have lot's of favorite designers and it was very hard for me to choose only one but her beautiful and almost magical collections are amongst the greatest things I've ever seen. Wearing a piece of art must be an incredible experience.

Tha's it for now guys! :) Hope you enjoyed this blog post, thank you for reading and supporting me throughout tis 1st year of blogging. See you ahead on this amazing journey and keep on chasing your dreams!


- Nicole

My new favorite place to shop - NYX Cosmetics

The first ever NYX Cosmetics store in Bulgaria, Sofia opened doors last month and it quickly became one of my favorite places to shop. With great affordable prices and amazing products that I’ve been dreaming of for so long, it sure couldn’t be any better. <3

I couldn’t attend the grand opening of the store since I was at work all day but I made sure to visit it as soon as I could in the weekend. And let me say my visit went very well and took more than an hour haha because I just fell in love with everything and couldn’t stop looking around.

Let’s start with the cool videos playing on the screens inside and outside the store that feature some super talented and Insta famous makeup arists for example my favorite girl Leigh Dickson. Next thing to mention – all the products were so cool and I swear I’ve never seen more shades of makeup ever in my life. Although I still haven’t tried as many as I would like to, I surely will so stay tuned haha.


I bought some very useful and quality products that you’ll see in the photos below. And I also got a contour palette as a present because there was a promo campaign after the opening of the store. I’ve never contoured before because I’m not really into that trend but I occasionally use the highlighters and I like them a lot.


Thank you for reading guys. :) I’d love to hear your opinions on the store so make sure you share them in the comments.

Also do you like NYX in general? What is your favorite NYX product? What other makeup and comsetic brands do you use?


- Nicole



Easy last minute Halloween costume ideas

Not all Halloween parties call for a super expensive and impressive "I'm a special effects specialist who invested a hundred dollars in my costume" kinda look. Sometimes it's just a home party or a squad hang out and you want to come up with a pretty cool costume idea that is also both easy and cheap. And here comes this post to help you out on your important mission.

Below are 4 simple last minute Halloween costume ideas that you already have in your closet. All you need for a great look is to creatively combine some clothes and add some makeup.


A trendy and simple take on the classical favorite would feature any black badass outfit. If you have something even slightly vintage looking that's a win but just a little black dress would also do the job. To finish the look add some makeup - smokey or cat eye, red lipstick, some fake blood and fangs and you're ready to party!

Rings: H&amp;MLiquid lipstick: EssenceEyeliner: Maybelline

Rings: H&M

Liquid lipstick: Essence

Eyeliner: Maybelline

Minnie Mouse

I made this cute headband a couple years ago inspired by the ones they sale at Disneyland. It was a fun diy project, I really love how it turned out and I'm happy to wear at any given chance. I paired it with an outfit in red and black but it'd look even better with a polka dot top or dress.

Leather skirt: Terranova styleNail polish: golden RoseLip pens: H&amp;MEyeliner: Maybelline

Leather skirt: Terranova style

Nail polish: golden Rose

Lip pens: H&M

Eyeliner: Maybelline

Party at Gatsby's

Seriously everybody's favorite since the 2013 movie. I can't count how many people I've seen dressed in a 20s inspired outfit for Halloween or some themed party. And the fact that this cool look is so easy to pull off and affordable makes things even better. Any lace, sequined or fringe dress or a dress + top combo works and you can get creative with accessories.

Lace dress: SheinSeqined top: Terranova style

Lace dress: Shein

Seqined top: Terranova style

Wednesday Addams

When we talk Halloween and spooky stuff Wednesday is one of the first characters that pop up in my mind. I love this outfit because it's super easy to recreate and at the same time you know everyone will recognize the character in like 2 seconds because it's a cult movie we've all seen many many times. And let me tell you the red nail polish + black lips combo is a dream come true for everyone who loves make up so have fun with it.

Skirt and blouse: H&amp;MNail polish: Golden RoseLipstcik: EssenceEyeshadow: Bourjois

Skirt and blouse: H&M

Nail polish: Golden Rose

Lipstcik: Essence

Eyeshadow: Bourjois

Thank you for reading and I hope my ideas will help you look great this Halloween. Make sure to tell me if you used them as inspiration, what you dressed up as and how you spend Halloween in the comments below!


- Nicole




4 ways to style and wear a band t-shirt

Here are some fresh, trendy and easy to recreate looks. Hope I'm helping you style a great band tee outfit by providing you with some inspo. ❤

#1 Classic black jeans.

Guns n Roses t-shirt: Hottopic. Customized and cut by me :PBlack jeans: H&amp;MBoots: Tally WeijlChoker: DollskillEarrings: ASOSRings: H&amp;M, Forever21, OrsayWatch: Marc Jacobs

Guns n Roses t-shirt: Hottopic. Customized and cut by me :P

Black jeans: H&M

Boots: Tally Weijl

Choker: Dollskill

Earrings: ASOS

Rings: H&M, Forever21, Orsay

Watch: Marc Jacobs

style wear band tee tshirt shirt outfit outfits ootd shorts guns n roses rock jewelry rings earrings watch choker jeans flatlay flatlays
style wear band tee tshirt shirt outfit outfits ootd shorts guns n roses rock jewelry rings earrings watch choker jeans shoes boots flatlay flatlays

#2 Denim and shorts.

Guns n Roses t-shirt: Hottopic. Customized and cut by me :PDenim jacket: CalliopeBoots: Tally WeijlChoker: Amazon FashionVintage Backpack

Guns n Roses t-shirt: Hottopic. Customized and cut by me :P

Denim jacket: Calliope

Boots: Tally Weijl

Choker: Amazon Fashion

Vintage Backpack

style wear band tee tshirt shirt outfit outfits ootd shorts guns n roses rock denim choker flatlay flatlays
style wear band tee tshirt shirt outfit outfits ootd shorts guns n roses rock denim backpack leather shoes boots flatlay flatlays

#3 Badass leather shorts.

Guns n Roses t-shirt: Hottopic. Customized and cut by me :PLeather shorts: H&amp;MBoots: Tally WeijlChoker and Bracelets: Amazon FashionRings: H&amp;M, Orsay

Guns n Roses t-shirt: Hottopic. Customized and cut by me :P

Leather shorts: H&M

Boots: Tally Weijl

Choker and Bracelets: Amazon Fashion

Rings: H&M, Orsay

style wear band tee tshirt shirt outfit outfits ootd shorts guns n roses rock jewelry choker shorts leather shoes flatlay flatlays
style wear band tee tshirt shirt outfit outfits ootd shorts guns n roses rock shorts leather shoes boots flatlay flatlays

#4 Trendy skirt

Guns n Roses t-shirt: Hottopic. Customized and cut by me :PVelvet skirt: H&amp;MBoots: Tally WeijlNecklace: H&amp;MEarrings: ASOSRings: H&amp;M, Forever21, OrsayWatch: Marc Jacobs

Guns n Roses t-shirt: Hottopic. Customized and cut by me :P

Velvet skirt: H&M

Boots: Tally Weijl

Necklace: H&M

Earrings: ASOS

Rings: H&M, Forever21, Orsay

Watch: Marc Jacobs

style wear band tee tshirt shirt outfit outfits ootd shorts guns n roses rock crushed velvet skirt jewelry choker bracelet rings shoes boots flatlay flatlays

I've been loving band tees long before it was cool and all over the internet. Now I walk around the street and there are so many teen girls casually wearing Nirvana or Arctic Monkeys tees and it's totally cool for everyone around. But let me tell you it was not that easy to pull off such a look like 10 years ago. After the 80s band craze and everybody rocking band tees all the time it gradually became less and less popular to wear them.

So there I was trying to come up with a cute band tee outfit idea in the 00s. The only people to wear band tees a lot were real metalheads, mostly men and teenboy squads, and it was not really common to see a girl wearing a band tee. Respect to all the few brave girls who proudly started this trend together with me! So yeah, it was a pretty hard task for me to rock a band tee without getting some surprised looks. Who cares tho. It was fun and I was often pairing the outfit with loud rock coming from my earplugs.

But now that it's popular and trendy to wear band tee outfits I gotta say I feel like a queen. AC/DC shirt and a leather skirt? Yes! Stones tee and high heels? Yes please! Every choice is a good choice and the braver the combo the better the outfit.

- Nicole

New hairstyle & hair color

Hello, happy October and happy autumn! As part of my preparation for the new season, the fall trends and all the projects and events coming up for me, I decided to make a style change. So I recently got a new haircolor and hairstyle. Up until now I've been rockin' a long blonde hairstyle with dark ombre roots in my natural brown color. My hair was super long and hippie style, I actually liked it a lot but I felt I wanted to try something new. 

hair hairstyle blonde haircut hairdye dye color gold golden platinum girl nicole blog blogger fashion style trends trend autumn fall season arockchicklife
hair hairstyle blonde haircut hairdye dye color gold golden platinum girl nicole blog blogger fashion style trends trend autumn fall season arockchicklife

I had a pretty clear idea what I wanted my hairstyle to be. I wanted a lighter color and textured hairstyle, shorter bangs and a pinch of 'wild thing' haha becasue I'm a rock chick of course. I did my best to find photos of a color and a hairstyle I liked and then headed for my hairstylist appointment.

And here comes the best part. It's because I've been going to the same hair salon for about two years and the results are just always stunning. My stylist Petia always listens to me when I'm explaining to her what I want for my hair and then she does her magic and Voila! I look exactly as I wanted to. Thank you very much, Petia! :) And this time it was no exception, I was so happy when I got home that I immediately started taking selfies of course haha. If you're following me on Instagram, I bet you saw them in my stories. :D And now I'm ready for autumn and trying out different dos which I have decided to start doing more often in the future so stay tuned for more hair related blog post and photos!

Thank you for reading guys! I'd love to hear about your fave hairstyles, latest haircolor and hairstyle changes and more so tell me in the comments below! :)


- Nicole

Alice, welcome to Dolce & Gabbana land (Milan fashion week S/S 2018)

alice dolce gabbana new collection mfw milano fashion week queen of hearts
Fragrances: Versace, Calvin Klein, Betty Berclay, Nine WestNail polish: Golden RoseSunglasses: H&amp;MRings: H&amp;MBag: Michael Kors

Fragrances: Versace, Calvin Klein, Betty Berclay, Nine West

Nail polish: Golden Rose

Sunglasses: H&M

Rings: H&M

Bag: Michael Kors

Last Sunday Dolce & Gabanna's new collection blessed the runway at #mfw #Milanofashionweek in Milano with royalty vibes, bold prints, metallic elements and overall beauty. Not only did all the outfits look great, but all the details were breathtaking. So I can guarantee you we'll be having a red+gold+queen glam spring and summer of 2018.

Lace, embroidery, sequins and shiny jewelry were the signature characteristic accents of the new collection of the brand. Game card and royalty references were everywhere to be seen - from the runway stage design to the choice of hairstyles and makeup. Dolce & Gabbana rocked the social media game with the #DGQueenOf❤️ hashtag. I watched the whole show live on Instagram and I liked it so much that I seriously couldn't help but rewatch it like twice later haha :)

Here are some of my favorite looks although I can honestly say that all the outfits looked stunning.

Dolce&Gabbana Spring Summer 2018 Women's Fashion Show. #DGSS18 #mfw #DGQueenOf❤️

A post shared by Dolce & Gabbana (@dolcegabbana) on

Dolce&Gabbana Spring Summer 2018 Women's Fashion Show. #DGSS18 #mfw #DGQueenOf❤️

A post shared by Dolce & Gabbana (@dolcegabbana) on

Dolce&Gabbana Spring Summer 2018 Women's Fashion Show. #DGSS18 #mfw #DGQueenOf❤️ #DGLuciaBag

A post shared by Dolce & Gabbana (@dolcegabbana) on

Dolce&Gabbana Spring Summer 2018 Women's Fashion Show. #DGSS18 #mfw #DGQueenOf❤️ #lamoreèbellezza

A post shared by Dolce & Gabbana (@dolcegabbana) on

Dolce&Gabbana Spring Summer 2018 Women's Fashion Show. #DGSS18 #mfw #DGQueenOf❤️

A post shared by Dolce & Gabbana (@dolcegabbana) on

Looking back at today’s show #DGQueenOf❤️ #DGSS18 #mfw

A post shared by Dolce & Gabbana (@dolcegabbana) on

Dolce&Gabbana Spring Summer 2018 Women's Fashion Show. #DGSS18 #mfw #DGQueenOf❤️

A post shared by Dolce & Gabbana (@dolcegabbana) on

- Nicole